a Boxer
Monthly donations that help our special needs, seniors or medically fragile dogs.
How Sponsorship Works
Our sponsorship program is a donation that goes towards one of our special needs, senior and/or medically fragile dogs that helps with their continued care. Through the button to PayPal below, you determine how much monthly you would like to donate to our Boxer(s). Sometimes these dogs may be in foster or training for several months until we find the right home … some times these dogs are in forever-fosters or hospice-fosters due to their age or medical conditions. When you become a sponsor, your generosity provides a relief that there is a donation for that dog in care that we can count on every month. Every dollar makes a difference for West Coast Boxer Rescue. Since we are a 100% volunteer group, the money that we receive goes directly to the care of our dogs.
Thank you for helping us save the life of an unwanted Boxer and for sponsoring one of our dogs!
Below is the link to PayPal. You will receive an email confirmation of your sponsorship once it is processed. We appreciate your help and concern for these dogs. We would not be able to do what we do with out your donations. Thank you!