Welcome To Fostering!
Thank you for or considering opening your heart and your home to one of our Boxers in need. This will not only change the Boxer’s life, but also yours. By opening your home you give them not only a better chance of being adopted, but also of staying in the home.
“Saving one dog will not change the world, but surely for that one dog, the world will change forever.”
― Karen Davison
Here is more information about Fostering you will want to get to know…
Foster Orientation
We are so glad that you have joined our growing group of foster homes! We have put together an orientation packet to provide some to the details and training for you and your foster Boxer. Your access link to DogSense can be found here. Please make sure to save the url for easy access.
Foster/Adopter's Handbook
Adopters Handbook will give you great insight to what you will need when you bring your foster home, behavioral insight and understanding the adjustment period that foster and newly adopted dog need. This is a great reference for experienced Boxer families and first-time Boxer homes.
Foster Insight for New Family
You have observed and learned so much about your Foster during their time with you. Please add as much information as possible in the attached form to help their new family understand and help them acclimate. Thank you for saving this Boxer and helping them find their forever home!
Fostering a Boxer Saves Lives
Fostering saves lives. When you foster a Boxer from WCBR, all medical expenses are covered, along with food, crates, leashes, collars, etc. can be provided. By fostering you can give a dog a valuable life experience that helps them get adopted faster, allows them to decompress from their previous life, and begin to show their personalities and skills.
Here are the top 10 reasons to foster a Boxer:
Fostering a Boxer saves not just one life, but two. Your foster dogs life and the next Boxer WCBR can save.
Rescued Boxers desperately need people who “get” Boxers. Not everyone understands or appreciates the breed specific nature of Boxers, energy and comedic personalities. If you understand “Boxer”, please become a foster. ♥
Boxers keep you fit. This breed is active and will keep you active in turn. You’re welcome.
Boxer owners live longer. Betty White was quoted as saying, “A sense of humor has kept me young.” We believe this is true too if you have a Boxer. They are the comedians of dogs, and if you have a sense of humor, the laughter they provide will keep you alive forever.
Foster Boxers make excellent wing-men/wing-women. Trying to meet Mr. or Mrs. Right or your new bestie? Boxers are a great way to meet new people, and in turn, they get to build on their socialization skills. Win-win.
Fosters Boxers are a great way to test drive a dog. Not sure if you’re ready to make the 10-15 year plunge to adding a Boxer to your home? Fostering will give you the experience you need to make this decision.
Fostering a Boxer relieves loneliness.
Fostering a Boxer helps them find their forever home faster. You will learn so much about their behaviors and personality that will help new potenial homes determine if this is the dog for them.
Fostering is all the benefits of dog ownership without the expense, and some tax write-offs. Sweet deal, right?
You will be a forever hero to your foster dog. Cape and masks are optional.
What some of our fosters have to say about fostering…
Fostering is so amazing and can be just as heartbreaking. In my experience as a foster (I failed) it felt soooo good to be able to give back and help Luna in her time of need and it was heart breaking because she was so disoriented with everything and took FOREVER to settle in… and then she did and showed us who she really was and since we already loved her and she is a crazy bossy pants (putting it nicely) WCBR let us keep her.
As a foster coordinator I have learned that everyone fosters differently and for different reasons. When you think you are ready I would be happy to chat with you. Fostering is so much more than just the logistics it is super emotional.
Personally, I can’t wait until I get Luna to a place that she will be able to tolerate a new dog in the house without being a huge liability. As soon as she is, I will be fostering… for real this time.
-Jennifer B.
Have you ever fostered before?? I highly suggest considering if you have not… Here’s my recent foster story… Picked Miss Magee Magooooo up from Shanderin yesterday to be her temporary foster mamma! I don’t know how long I can foster her in my home due to life, work, etc. but one day is better than no day! So her time with me began yesterday, will watch her as long as I can. She is skin and bones sadly, the shelter hasn’t been easy on her. It’s better than nothing, grateful WCBR has the kennels, but in home care is ideal and what they try for. Foster homes are the best place for the dogs to be at in my opinion. I’ve got a small place I live in, no backyard but a big park across the street, wheels to take her the other parks. And feet to walk her anywhere. NO EXCUSE to not foster. Yes it takes a little time out of our lives, but it’s so worth it to see them happy and soon go to their forever homes. Maggie mostly sleeps, trying to get her to eat and get some meat on her. Her poops are not the best, but with time will get better. She hasn’t yet played with toys, but she’s loving to be talked to and pet. When I leave the house I crate her and she does great. Yes I get attached and it’ll be hard to give her up to another home, but in the end… it’s special that I’m now part of her journey getting her healthy and ready for her new home she will hopefully have soon. Thanks to all the foster mammas and daddy’s out there that do what you do and I look forward to more volunteers getting to experience being a foster mamma or daddy hopefully soon! It is so rewarding to give the dogs a place to land for a bit.
Reach out to Jennifer who coordinates the foster home placements or anyone else with WCBR. If you truly can’t foster there are dogs that need daily walks at Shanderin that I love helping with when I can too. We all have different options of ways to give to these deserving dogs.
-Linzy T.
I have fostered a total of 7. 3 puppies that were 5 weeks old that stayed a few weeks, one boy named flash who i loved and only stayed a few weeks, one over night just to get picked up by their new family and one pup that was here for a night on her way to meet transport, and last but not least ROSIE who we foster failed with. Did you notice i didnt say she was a puppy haha!! I love puppies but temporary is just good for me. Rosie was suppose to be a foster but she fit like a glove into our family and never left, she's been with us about 6 years!!! there are so many ways to help with fostering and every little bit helps!! I am sure I shed a tear for all of these fosters even though they were with me only a small part of their life but I loved every min!
- Michelle C.
I don’t know if I’m a foster or a 1/2 way house…my 3 WCBR kids have all been short stays. My current boy is Boogie (one of the DWB), prior Zeus and Mr Jones which opened my heart again to fostering. Each is unique, sweet, and adorable in their own way…and all deserving a better life than what the world has had to offer so far in their short lives. The down side and challenges of fostering are just moments that I/we get to learn through. We (my wife who is an amazing, patient cat rescue lady) are excited to be a part of our fosters’ experiences to a better life. Each of our kids leave our home with a high respect for felines and hopefully a little more confidence in their step.
-Sara H.