3 • 3 • 3
Nope, this isn't a math quiz, it is a simple way of remembering the adjustment time needed for newly adopted dogs. It is the first 3 days, 3 weeks and 3 months of bringing home your rescued Boxer. By some, this time frame is called the "rescue dog honeymoon period". Every dog is different, some require more time, some less...some dogs may require up to a year to fully adjust. Each dog and each situation is unique; these are cues to watch for as your dog is adjusting to their new home.
The First 3 Days...
Dog may feel overwhelmed and fearful.
Easily frightened and unsure of surroundings and people.
Unsure about being left alone or by themselves.
May not eat or drink.
Appears shut down and wants to hide in crate or under furniture.
Unsure and testing boundaries.
The First 3 Weeks....
Starting to settle in.
Appears more relaxed and comfortable.
Acknowledgement that this could be their home.
Discovering environment with more self-assurance.
Getting into a routine or schedule.
Personality coming out and guard coming down.
Some behaviors may become present.
The First 3 Months...
Completely comfortable in their home.
Building trust and bonding with family and other animals.
Gaining a sense of security with their new family.
Confidence in other settings that were once unsure.
Set into the routine.
Building new skills and showing true personality.
Relaxed and showing more independence.